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What is CTP Insurance?

Compulsory Third Party Insurance (“CTP insurance”) is a mandatory liability insurance policy that typically covers you or someone else driving your car for injuries sustained to others on the road as a result of a motor vehicle accident.CTP insurance does not cover damage to your car, other vehicles or possessions.This is where CTP insurance differs from other types of property damage insurance. Third party car insurance (property damage insurance) covers your responsibility to pay for damages caused to another person’s vehicle or property.

It does not cover damage you cause to your own vehicle which is only covered with having comprehensive car insurance.In Queensland, the CTP scheme works on an at fault basis. This means that an injured person can file a claim under CTP insurance if the other driver(s) or vehicle owner(s) were at fault. An injured person can still be eligible to claim if there were partially at fault, but their compensation may be reduced based on their percentage contribution to the accident.If liability is accepted, an injured person can be reimbursed by the CTP insurer for reasonable and proportionate rehabilitation costs before the end of the CTP claim.The following heads of damages are available for your claim:

Past & Future Medical Expenses:

E.g. physiotherapy, GP or specialist consultations, surgeries, counselling and medication etc

Past & Future Economic Losses :

E.g. Time off work due to the accident and future loss based on how those injuries affect work capacity

General Damage/Pain & suffering:

Injuries will be reviewed by independent medical-legal specialists and assessed for a Whole Person Impairment. General damages can be claimed under the Civil Liability Regulation.

Care & Assistance/Gratuitous/paid help around home:

E.g. assistance with personal care or domestic assistance like cleaning, cooking, laundry etc

If you’re not sure what a CTP claim is or whether you’re eligible to make a claim, talk to one of our experienced motor vehicle accident lawyers at AMK Lawyers.